Sacramental Life of the Parish

Sacramental Preparation

There is a need to prepare to receive the Sacraments, some of the preparation is necessarily more extensive than others.  



Parents need to be registered members of Our Lady of Peace Church.

People who are first time parents are expected to attend one meeting for instruction on the Sacrament of Baptism.

Contact Marguerite Noga 863-5397


Marriage Preparation

Please contact the Parish well in advance of your planned wedding date.  There is an initial meeting with Fr. Stan to start the process.  The marriage preparation process is intended to help couples discern their readiness for marriage and to prepare them.

Following completion of the initial interview with the priest, the marriage preparation process will require attendance of 4 sessions of 2 hours each which include:

1. Completion of a premarital inventory followed by feedback sessions by the priest

2. Completion of the necessary diocesan Pre-Cana program. The schedule of retreats within the diocese is available at the parish office.

3. Liturgical preparation for the wedding

Contact Fr. Stan 863-5271


1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion

Preparing for 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion is an exciting time in life!  Most preparing are in Grade 2, but any baptized child,  Grade 2 and older can participate.

Parent Involvement in preparation is vital! Your child learns the most from you because you are the primary educator of the faith! Most of the teaching for these Sacraments takes place in the home.

 Preparation for these Sacraments consists of:

  • Mass Attendance
  • Enroll and attend Religious Education classes
  • Church Sessions
  • Parent Meetings

1st Reconciliation

Preparation for Reconciliation takes place in Fall, with the celebration of 1st Reconciliation before Lent.

1st Communion

Preparation for 1st Communion begins in September for Grade 2 students, with the celebration of 1st Communion on the first Sunday of May.




Confirmation is a foundational step in our lives. Prayerful consideration and necessary commitment is required to be Confirmed. The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the Sacraments of Initiation, and gains the recipient full membership in the Catholic Church. Confirmation takes place in the Spring, and these are the expectations for candidates for Confirmation:

  • Mass Attendance
  • Attend Religious Education every year
  • Attend an Confirmation Retreat
  • Participate in Service Events

Contact Carol Holubecki 863-4015