Browsing Father's Homilies

Homily for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 30, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 7/01/24

   Fear or Faith?

tain in the White Mountains of New Hampshire? Some years ago, we got the sad news that the stone face fell off the mountain. Well, I recently came across a charming story about a great stone face...


In a pleasant, sunny valley surrounded by ... Read More »

Homily for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 16, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 6/17/24

OK, Lord, give me some Miracle Grow!


I was attracted to a little story entitled, “Consider the Walnut.” Intriguing: why should I consider the walnut…?


If you compare a walnut with some of the beautiful and exciting things that grow on our planet, it does not seem ... Read More »

Homily for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 9, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 6/10/24

A House Divided Cannot Stand


In today’s Gospel reading Jesus’ enemies use various arguments to try to discredit him. They argue that he is possessed by the devil, and that it is by being in league with the devil, that he is driving out devils.


To this ... Read More »

Homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 2, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 6/03/24

   Stone Soup and the Eucharist

One of my all-time favorite stories is about a weary knight who rode his tired horse down an Italian country road toward his home in Assisi after an ill-advised battle with neighboring Perugia. In truth, to this soldier all battles now seemed ill-advised. ... Read More »

Homily for the Solemnity of Pentecost May 19, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 5/20/24

   Saying Yes to God’s Gifts

High on a hilltop overlooking the beautiful city of Santa Barbara there lived a wise old many whom people considered a sage. Legend has it that he could answer any question posed to him.


Two local boys decided they could deceive the ... Read More »

Homily for the Seventh Sunday of Easter May 12, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 5/13/24

  The Power of Love Can Overcome the Poison of   Hate


A farmer once took two stubborn mules and tied them together by a 20-foot rope. Two bales of hay lay on the ground, one at either end of the field. The animals kept straining and tugging against ... Read More »

Homily for the Sixth Sunday of Easter May 5, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 5/06/24

   Love in the Twenty-First Century

There is a refrain that appears and reappears throughout today’s readings: the call to love one another. We are to love each other in the same way that Jesus loves us. Love makes us one with Jesus and the Father, and keeping the ... Read More »

Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter April 21, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/23/24

  Loving with True Commitment

Some years ago divers located a 400-year-old sunken ship off the coast of Ireland. Among the treasures they found on the ship was a wedding ring. When it was cleaned up, the divers noticed that the ring had an inscription on it. Etched on ... Read More »

Homily for Easter March 31, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/10/24

   A Time to Live Again

There was a study done by biologists in which they determined that, aerodynamically speaking, the bumble bee cannot fly. If you’ve ever taken a good look at a bumble bee, you’ll see why: the bumble bee has too large of a body mass ... Read More »

Homily for Holy Thursday March 28, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/10/24

    A Call to True Humility


After a large dinner at one of Hollywood’s stately mansions, a famous actor entertained the guests with stunning readings of Shakespeare. Then, as an encore, he offered to accept a request. A shy, older priest asked if he knew Psalm 23. ... Read More »