Browsing Father's Homilies

Homily for the Fifth Sunday of Lent March 17, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 3/18/24

    Planting Big Potatoes


In today’s gospel, Jesus says, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat, but if it dies, it produces much fruit.”


I’d like to reflect on that one line, but since we ... Read More »

Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Lent March 10, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 3/12/24

You Shall Have No Other Gods


I read about a young man whose search for God led him to seek out a wise priest as a spiritual guide. The young man was told to give up his dissolute life, pray in earnest, and purify his motives. Sick of ... Read More »

Homily for the Third Sunday of Lent March 3, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 3/12/24

  A Deeper Look at the Ten Commandments

I have a favorite anecdote about Mark Twain…


A nineteenth century industrial baron once said to Mark Twain, “Before I die I mean to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I will climb to the top of Mt. Sinai ... Read More »

Homily for the First Sunday of Lent February 18, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 2/19/24

The God of the Flood? Or the God of the Rainbow?


A young boy sat on the front porch of a farmhouse with his grandfather. They heard a car coming down the seldom traveled dirt road. When the driver of the car, bearing out-of-state plates, saw them on ... Read More »

Homily for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 11, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 2/13/24

  Lobsters & Leprosy

I recently read an interesting story about some people who were at the seashore, watching some lobsters that had been brought in, in a bucket. They noted the strangest thing. From time to time, one of the lobsters would start to climb its way out ... Read More »

Homily for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 4, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 2/07/24

  Human Suffering: Come Unto Me


One of my favorite stories about the power of art…A well-known sculptor had a burning ambition to create the greatest statue of Jesus Christ ever made. He began in his Oceanside studio by shaping a clay model of a triumphant, regal figure. ... Read More »

Homily for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 28, 2024

Posted by marguerite noga on 1/29/24

    Paying Attention to God


One of my all-time favorite cartoons (I’ve used this before) was Dennis the Menace. One I’ll never forget has Dennis with his dog, Ruff, at his side, walking along with Margaret. Dennis is merrily pulling a red wagon, while Margaret, clutching her ... Read More »

Homily for Christmas December 25, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 12/27/23



To probe and reflect on the essential meaning of Christmas, I want to begin with two stories…

Story #1

Once upon a cold Christmas Eve, a man sat in reflective silence before the flames flickering in the fireplace, thinking about the meaning of Christmas. ... Read More »

Homily for the Second Sunday of Advent December 12, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 12/13/23

   A Light Shines on in the Darkness


A Greek philosopher and teacher ended a lecture by asking, “Are there any questions?” One student asked, “Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?” Some laughter followed, and some started to leave, but the professor held up his hand, ... Read More »

Homily for the First Sunday of Advent December 3, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 12/04/23

   You Are the Potter, We Are the Clay

Hoping to find a few days’ work, a traveling portrait painter stopped in a small town. One of his first clients was a person with a dirty, unshaven face and bedraggled clothes, and his breath smelled of alcohol. Nonetheless, he ... Read More »