Browsing Father's Homilies

Homily for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year October 16, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 10/17/22

   Persistence in Prayer

Inasmuch as prayer runs through our readings as a common theme today, I want to share some favorite stories about prayer…One summer a young family came back home for a vacation. The little girl’s grandfather looked into her room one evening, and found his granddaughter ... Read More »

Homily for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 10/11/22

    Remembering to Give Thanks

Several years ago, there was a successful businessman who reflected on his life and decided to write to all the people who had been influential in helping him become who he was.


His fourth grade teacher quickly came to mind because she ... Read More »

Homily for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 10/03/22

A Mustard Seed Faith

When I was a boy, I was impressed with Jesus statement in today’s gospel that, if we had faith the size of a mustard seed, we could say to a sycamore tree, “Be uprooted and transplanted into the ocean” it would obey you. We had ... Read More »

Homily for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 9/20/22

  Putting God First

In 1912, Henry Ford visited Ireland, the home of his ancestors. The story goes that, while he was staying in Cork, a couple of trustees of the local hospital paid him a call. “Mr. Ford, we’re building a hospital here in Cork. We think it ... Read More »

Homily for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 9/06/22

  Following Jesus and renouncing our possessions

This gospel is pretty harsh sounding and dramatic, isn’t it. Can you imagine, Jesus asking that we renounce all our possessions? Can you imagine doing that! A demanding challenge such as this is best handled indirectly. And so…let me share some stories…


One day an Indian boy found a large pearl that he thought to be priceless. Now he knew his worries were over. He would never have to work again in his ... Read More »

Homily for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 21, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 8/22/22

  Choosing the Narrow Door

A student once asked a successful businessman what was the secret of his success. He replied that his approach could be summarized in three words: “and then some.” He said, “Early in life I learned that the difference between average people and the truly ... Read More »

Homily for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 8/08/22

     Life: it takes courageous faith!

A rabbi friend told me a story…It relates to the Old Testament tradition about the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. You have the huge crowd of Hebrew people with Moses in the lead. Behind them, the Pharaoh’s army is in ... Read More »

Homily for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 8/01/22

  Unclogging the arteries of the conscience

I love historical biographies because they make history more personal; they bring history to life. Let me share one of my favorite stories about a US president. Many years ago, it was a bitterly cold night in northern Virginia. An old man’s ... Read More »

Homily for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 17, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 7/18/22

    Martha & Mary: the two faces of hospitality


I recently read a story that brought me to think about today’s gospel in a new way…


A young minister walked slowly to the office, mumbling to himself that he was not “on call” that day, and ... Read More »

Homily for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2022

Posted by marguerite noga on 7/11/22

    And who is my neighbor?



There is a story told about the late Sam Rayburn, a former Speaker of the House of Representatives. The daughter of one of his friends was critically injured in a car accident. Early the next morning Mr. Rayburn knocked on ... Read More »