Browsing Father's Homilies

Homily for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity June 4, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 6/07/23

  Do we know what we means?


I have found delight in a story about a famous, very old organ. A well-known organist was performing a concert on the huge antique organ. Since it was not electrified, for this organ to play, there was a boy behind a ... Read More »

Homily for the Seventh Sunday of Easter May 21, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 5/22/23

  In the World, but not of the World

There’s a fable about a scrawny tiger cub that was abandoned by it mother shortly after birth, and was raised by a friendly herd of goats. All day, every day, the cub played with the goat kids, drank the nanny’s ... Read More »

Homily for the Sixth Sunday of Easter May 14, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 5/15/23

I will not leave you orphans

Every time I read a passage of Scripture, I find new insights. Parts of the text will jump out and demand my attention. In today’s Gospel, I was struck by Jesus’ promise, “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.”


Some time ago the advice columnist Ann Landers was asked by a reporter, “What is the question that you are asked most frequently by your readers?” She answered that it was a very simple question: “What’s the matter with me? Why am I so ... Read More »

Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter April 30, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 5/01/23

   Listening to the Voice of the Shepherd

One of my favorite parts of the newspaper is the comics section. While it is obviously true that we find humor there, I also enjoy finding the truth that is conveyed through the humor.


For example, many years ago, there ... Read More »

Homily for the Second Sunday of Easter April 16, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/18/23

  By his wounds we are healed

Recently, as I’ve reflected on the Easter stories in the Bible, I’ve become focused on the wounds of Jesus. If Resurrection is supposed to be about healing, the overcoming of the limitations of this life, and the destruction of sin, suffering and ... Read More »

Homily for Easter—April 9, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/15/23

  Who Needs It? 

Pope Francis recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of his election as Pope. I came across an interview that was done by Italian Swiss Radio and Television. Let me share a couple of items from that interview.


Many people describe you as the Pope of ... Read More »

Homily for Holy Thursday—April 6, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/15/23

He Has No Body but Ours

In a speech to Roman university students and staff, Pope Francis noted:


The first time I went out to Saint Peter’s Square as Pope, I approached a group of young blind people. And one of them said to me, “Can I see ... Read More »

Homily for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion April 2, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 4/03/23

    Entrance by Donkey


I’d like to do something a little different today, and that is to reflect on the gospel we started with about Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, clarifying some of its details.


For example, why did Jesus come riding in on a donkey? One ... Read More »

Homily for the Third Sunday of Lent March 12, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 3/13/23

    Are you completely satisfied?

A young woman was asked by a teacher from her church to tutor a young boy while he was in the hospital. The woman didn’t realize until she got to the hospital that the boy was in the burn unit, in considerable pain ... Read More »

Homily for the Second Sunday of Lent Mach 5, 2023

Posted by marguerite noga on 3/06/23

  Love’s DNA

A well-known sculptor had a burning ambition to create the greatest statue of Jesus Christ ever made. He began in his Oceanside studio by shaping a clay model of a triumphant, regal figure. The head was thrown back and the arms were upraised in a gesture ... Read More »